Coconut fiber is one of three key coconut coir products. The fiber is the straw-like part of the coconut husk. Coconut peat or coconut pith is a finely ground product that looks a little peat moss. Finally, there are coconut chips, which look like wood chips and absorb moisture like clay pellets. Manufacturers sell coconut fiber in its natural state or woven into mats for lining window baskets and wire hanging planters. Like all coconut coir products, coconut fiber has a relatively neutral pH level, so it’s suitable for growing a wide variety of different plants.
Coconut fiber adds air pockets to your growing medium. Those air pockets make sure oxygen can reach the plant’s roots and enhance drainage. Coconut fiber isn’t as absorbent as other coconut coir products, but it can still hold a decent amount of water. It gradually releases this water, so the plant’s roots stay hydrated without soaking and becoming prone to root rot and fungal diseases. It also contains a small amount of potassium and phosphorous, which both help plants grow.

High Quality and Raw
Coconut Fiber Coir
Raw Material – Agriculture – Sustainable – Eco-Friendly